Obama’s Health Plan: Socialism or Equality?

Posted by Leah Thursday, January 14, 2010 Thursday, January 14, 2010


Obama Health Care Address

President Obama’s recent decision to make health care compulsory for the majority of Americans had created quite fervor in Washington and around the country. Republican lawmakers, unanimously opposed to the plan, claim that the bill is too expensive and endows the government with too much control. Will Obama’s health care plan level the playing field and make health care more affordable for the average, middle class American, or will the plan allow Big Brother to have control over one more aspect of the American people? What about those religious sectors like the Order of Mennonites and the Amish who believe that it is the responsibility of their community and church to care for the sick and will not seek medical care assistance outside of their communities? Would these people be forced to go against their religious beliefs and ideals because a government that they don’t recognize as an authority said that they must?

The current version of the bill in the Senate imposes a $95 fine on those who do not obtain health coverage by 2014. The fine would be increased to $750 for those who do not obtain insurance by 2016. Without a doubt, the current health care is flawed and there is a vast majority of Americans who fall in the gaping crevasse between subsidized health care and those lucky enough to have health insurance through their employer. Modification of the current American health care system is far overdue, and Obama should be lauded for his ambitious and unwavering efforts to extend health care to the majority of Americans, but the civil liberties of the American people must be protected and preserved above all else.

Roller Derby Is Back... But Not Without Pain

Posted by Leah Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Roller Derby Is Back

Many athletes, particularly those who play full-contact sports, often suffer from chronic pain due to sports related injuries. Most full-contact sport teams such as roller derby leagues often suffer from back pain, spine pain, and neck pain due to the nature of the sport and the injuries sustained while playing. The long term physical impact of roller derby players often manifests as spine pain, neck pain, and back pain due to constant falls on that particular area of the body. Roller derby players will often fall onto hard surfaces such as concrete, sport court, and wooden flooring at a high rate of speed. The impact of these falls can lead to chronic pain in the neck, back, and spine areas of the body.

Chronic pain is something that can be treated and alleviated through pain management techniques such as acupuncture, chiropractors, therapeutic massage, and medical interventions and treatments. Chronic pain is also prevalent in those patients that suffer from certain debilitating illnesses and disease.

Pain management and pain relief for these patients can often be obtained primarily through medical specialist recommendations. Some patients also take a more holistic approach to pain management and will also utilize non traditional pain management methods such as herbal remedies, aromatherapy, crystal healing, meditation, yoga, and faith healing methods to help remedy chronic pain in conjunction with traditional pain management methods. Those that suffer from chronic pain can find pain relief through traditional and non traditional methods of treatment. Pain relief can be obtained through the simultaneous utilization of pain management techniques from fields of study that encompass the physical, medical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of pain management.

Roller Derby's New Look