No Child Left Behind

Posted by Leah Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Tuesday, May 18, 2010


No Child Left Behind Overhaul Long Overdue

In an effort to correct one of the many Bush administration debacles, the Obama administration is working to correct the flawed and counterproductive educational plan that Bush put in place. The Obama administration is working toward facilitating progress with positive incentives for achievements particularly in school districts with a high poverty level and/or high minority populations.

The No Child Left Behind Law under the Bush administration has focused more on punitive measures for lack of academic progress and achievements and has wrongfully focused more on testing than actual learning. This perpetuates an overall negative agenda and has used standardized test scores as a means of measuring academic achievements, attaining grade level proficiencies, and teacher ability. This is a flawed and unfair means to gauge academic progress and does not necessarily provide the knowledge for students to become a productive member of society. Some students do not test well and simply regurgitating information for the standardized tests does not facilitate critical thinking skills which are imperative for students to learn. Teachers are also pressured by the district and the federal government to meet benchmarks that may not be attainable for various reasons. There have been some instances in which teachers have provided the test answers for their students in order to secure federal funding for their district or secure their very jobs- the very antithesis of teaching and learning.

This does not foster an environment for genuine knowledge attainment and academic achievements. The minds of students should not be a statistic. The Obama administration appears to be aware of this and is working toward modifying the law in a way that will prepare those students who are not college bound for a vocational career. This will give students the opportunity to be self sufficient and autonomous in their adult lives even if they do not possess a college diploma.

The Bush Administration criteria for meeting federal benchmarks focus primarily on reading and mathematics. This exclusive focus on these two subjects deprives students of a well rounded education and other important subjects such as science, history, and the arts are neglected. Modification of the law would permit academic success to be measured by other subjects in addition to reading and mathematics.

Perhaps the most important aspect of the proposed changes is to have all graduating high school students prepared for college or a vocation by 2020. This is an important change from the current law that calls for all students to perform at grade level in reading and mathematics by 2014. This criterion does not ensure that a child will be a successful and productive member of society. This means that a 9th grader may be completing reading and math assignments at a 9th grade level, that’s all. Again, these types of federal education mandates do not foster an environment of critical thinking which is imperative for students to be successful in other aspects of their life.