Use your turn signal!

Posted by Leah Friday, November 19, 2010 Friday, November 19, 2010


Another obvious indication of the overall decline in consideration, common sense, and manners can be readily observed on just about any public street. A case in point is the use, or rather lack of, turn signals. Not only is it dangerous and illegal it also requires such a miniscule amount of effort on the driver. You really can’t be bothered to move a couple of your fingers a few inches off the wheel to click on your turn signal indicator? Oh, that’s right- you’re probably too busy texting or talking on your cell phone while you’re driving to be bothered with such mundane things as traffic safety. Better yet, you’re stopped at a traffic light and have a full thirty seconds to a minute of doing absolutely nothing and yet STILL can’t find the time to activate that little blinking light that as a licensed driver you are required by law to activate. Do you even have a driver’s license? Let’s not forget that many of your fellow motorists’ psychic abilities are probably not developed enough to read your mind to determine which way you are planning on turning. My favorite is observing a driver weaving in and out of traffic on the highway at a high rate of speed. As if this isn’t reckless and dangerous enough- fellow motorists aren’t even aware that you’re doing something so stupid because you don’t have your turn signals on. I know, I know. You’re the most important person in the world and you have very important places to be. Just do a small favor, a tiny act of magnanimity for those who share the road with you. Humble yourself enough to get down off your pedestal of self absorption for one tiny act of consideration.